Community Planning and Facilitation

Strong Neighborhood Initiative — Renewing the Action Agenda Handbook
Client: City of San Jose Redevelopment Agency, Strong Neighborhoods Initiative

The collaboration between CommUniverCity San José and Public Vision Research’s team member Daniel Krause joined forces for a second time to create a handbook that documented the community process developed during the FWBT NIP Amendment.

This document laid out a community process, from A to Z, which can be followed by future consultants or staff, to create a NIP Amendment.  Two types of tracks were developed, depending on how thorough a given community wishes to engage in the Amendment process.  The “short-track” condenses the community process to achieve a renewal of the Top 10 Action Items.  The “full-track” process engages the community in a review of all action items from the original NIP, even if they were not in the Top 10. These tracks contain a detailed schedule of meetings, workshops, and retreats with a detailed time line.  The short-track diagram is seen to the left. 

Specific methods were created for both the full-track and short-track.  A system of voting on Top 10 action items was created.  A matrix to document the current level of completion of action items from the original NIP documents was developed.  Methods were also established on how residents can determine action item types so SNI neighborhoods can achieve a balance between capital, service, neighborhood and transformative projects. 

Beyond the methods regarding the community engagement process, the handbook also provides and outline of how to organize future NIP Amendment documents. 

The team at Public Vision Research is very proud of having participated in the development of this handbook because we saw the success of this process with FWBT community during the creation of their NIP Amendment.

Click to download: Strong Neighborhood Initiative — Renewing the Action Agenda Handbook